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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So so busy

Well hi there my fellow bloggers and friends. I am so sorry for not having blogged for such a long time. Sometimes life just takes over. We have had guests from overseas, my kids have been off school having study leave for their mocks and my darling hubby is currently at home and we just can't help ourselves but mooch around all day in the amazing cafe culture that NZ has to offer. I can tell you the appeal of a chai latte runs deep in this house. With summer just around the corner and spring bringing more time to sit out on the deck, It also brings more work in the garden. A very wet winter means lots of water blasting, planting spring flowers and a whole load of other jobs which need to be attended to at this time of year. Oh who am I kidding? I hate gardening. I love a beautiful garden but not the work that it takes to achieve it. However, even I have to do some work at this time of year.

I realise that for you girls in the states, you are at completly the other end of the year and fall is just around the corner. Thats so weird isn't it?

Anyway, I promise I will be back on course to restart my Tabletty Alphabetty real soon. For those of you who have been encouraging me to get going (wendy) I will be blogging soon I promise. I have the pics, but just haven't had the time to get them on here. "D" is already done so keep watching. (by the way wendy, I wrote you a really long response to your kids challenge request, but the stupid blog master wouldnt let me post it on your wall, so rude does it not know who I am?)lol

I will also be sharing all the lovely little things that the thrift stores have been throwing my way (see how even when I'm really busy, I still manage to go thrifting, I really do have a problem). Not to mention the beautiful dresser now taking center stage in my hallway. You can see the poor thing here.

So all in all loads to come.

see ya soon

1 comment:

  1. OOOoooh Jo,I missed ya!!

    Hey, can't wait to see what you been finding on your treasure hunts! Those thrifts are like amazing magic to me.

    So you have been playing with the dishes, just not putting the pics up huh?~Well we will excuse you this once ~Giggle~

    I wanna know what the "D" is for! You gonna tell?
    Yes, it is quite odd we wre getting ready for the fall temperature drop and you are getting ready for the warm up....sounds silly even typing it.

    So Glad you are BACK!!!
    Don't do that again! :)

