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Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Thrifty Groove: Ironed Linens

This is the simplest idea ever. I have so many linens and am going to store them this way from now on!! Thanks Diann.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this idea! I too have stupid napkin rings I can bring to life for a better use! Thanks for posting, I love it!
    The chargers you asked for are part of a complete set of china for 12 places and they're all reticulated like that, I showed the whole set in a post I did called: "My Embroidered Tablecloth". They're made in China, a very fine tableware, I loved it, so I bought the whole thing because you could buy by pieces if you wanted to...I bought it here at a fine home store we have. Thank you for asking.
